Design Thinking Design Thinking Stage 5: Test Topik: What is test mode Why test Methods WHAT IS TEST MODE Testing adalah tahapan di mana Anda memiliki kesempatan…
Design Thinking Design Thinking Stage 4: Prototype Topik: Pengantar What is Prototype Mode? Why We Do Prototype? Methods: Wizard of Oz Prototyping, Prototype for Empathy, Identify a…
Design Thinking Design Thinking Stage 3: Ideate Topik: What is Ideate Mode How to Ideate Method: Brainstorming WHAT IS IDEATE MODE Ideate adalah tahapan dimana Anda menciptakan…
Design Thinking Design Thinking Stage 2: Define Topik: What is Define Mode Why Define Methods WHAT IS DEFINE MODE Pada Stage Define, kita berada pada mode yang…
Design Thinking Design Thinking Stage 1: Empathize Topik: Definition of Empathy What is Empathize Mode Why Empathize Methods DEFINITION OF EMPATHIZE Simpati vs Empati Sebelum berbicara tentang…
Design Thinking What is Design Thinking? Good designers never start by trying to solve the problem given to them: they start by trying to understand what…
Design Thinking Design Thinking, Lean Startup dan Agile Development PENDAHULUAN Design thinking, lean startup dan agile development adalah kumpulan metodologi dan teknik yang bisa digunakan kapan saja. Ketiganya memiliki…